Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Pack. Unpack. PACK. Unpack. PAAACK. Unpack

Well.  I have mastered the art of shuffling gear around in my bag. It looks so good!! Can't wait to tear it all apart tomorrow at lunch because I can't find a lighter. The good thing is I've definitely shed a ton of weight since the first time I filled her up. Definitely still heavier than the internet people suggest but I'm fine with lugging a little extra weight for now to get my bearings on must haves vs. extraneous materials. I'm pretty sure I know what some of the extraneous things are buuuut I'm not giving them up yet.  I'm sure I'll have it dialed in a few weeks............

Anyways. Stoked to finally get out there tomorrow! Ready to be doing the damn thing and no longer thinking/talking about it.

This blog has been created mainly to update my mother with a little more substance than following my Spot device. Here's the link to that if you care to watch me walk at a slow slow pace. http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0W601dNhrSTegbAZrHhqjRzAd3on2XfRZ

If you feel so inclined to follow along with her in the blogosphero, I'd love to have ya. I wouldn't have huge expectations as far as quantity of posts go. I certainly don't have any. Same goes for the dot Spot watching. Nobody know's how many miles I'll be doing a day. Even if I mentioned an idea to some of you of what I would like to be doing it could be waaaaaaay off base. But keep calm and...chive on...errr...just occasionally check in and maybe I'll have begrudgingly typed out a post on my phone with some photos.

Love you all so very very much and I look forward to seeing everyone out there!


Looks like some pretty peachy weather to start this shindig as long as I've got some sunscreen.

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